• Question: Do you believe in the Big Bang theory?

    Asked by yumseal to Chris, Emily, Martin, Natalie, Tamsin on 25 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 25 Mar 2010:

      Well – the word “believe” is a bit strong!

      It is the best theory we have at the moment – although it is full of holes – and only time will tell whether it will be thrown out completely or just modified. That is the way science works!

      It is – in fact – an amazing achievment to reach back to the beginnings of time just with mathematics. Truly amazing.

    • Photo: Chris Cooper

      Chris Cooper answered on 25 Mar 2010:

      In the sense that it is the best scientific explanation for the origins of the universe then I “believe’ in the Big Bang Theory

      I particularly like the evidence from the background microwave radiation. A couple of researchers at a phone company couldn’t get their equipment to work. They got the same noise (static hiss) wherever they put it (even in space!). It turns out this is the echo of the explosion of the big bang that is everyhwere in the universe. It is small though – not enough to cook your dinner on!
