• Question: Is it true about different genders using different sides of the brain more, if so please could you explain why?

    Asked by jessyp623 to Martin on 24 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      WOW! That is a seriously deep question!

      The short answer is “No”. This is a scientific “No” which means that the idea (the hypothesis as we like to call it) is not strongly supported by the evidence.

      Brace yourself guys – here comes PART of the long answer. You don’t have to read any of this if you don’t want to 🙂

      You see, if I said Yes to your question it would mean that men think one way and that women think a different way. This would make a great headline in a newspaper, or story on a news bulletin but it just isn’t true.

      The evidence is clear that there are minor differences between people in the performance of certain tasks and the patterns of activity measured in the brain. TRUE

      That some of these differences can be classed as left-brain/right-brain differences – although many are debatable. TRUE

      In a few cases there is some limited evidence that one is more common in men than women and the other way round. TRUE

      This tells you nothing about a particular woman or man. It is just a statistical result about the likelyhood of measuring a particular thing.

      I know this is dull but I am trying to be completely honest and that is difficult in science!

      Oh Crikey! I think I have just given the longest and most boring answer of the whole competition. I am DOOMED 😀
