• Question: what is your favorite type of fuel?

    Asked by alexaustin to Chris, Emily, Martin, Natalie, Tamsin on 24 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Chris Cooper

      Chris Cooper answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      The flippant answer is the beer I am drinking at the moment that fuels my body.

      The serious one is that I don’t have favourite. It depends on the situation at the time and the specific environmental impact on a case-by-case basis.

    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 25 Mar 2010:

      Is this one of the nuclear power related questions Alex? There were a bunch of them and I tried to answer as best I could in just one of them – but I will go back and add more if I get time.

      In my house we use gas, electricity, fuel oil, and wood! We have to buy all of them 🙁

      I think the future of fuel probably lies in combining a number of different solutions but I think gas produced by bacteria (and other microorganisms) is going to play a big part.

      If you can breed the right bug you can turn more or less any organic waste into methane – which is high quality fuel. We produce a LOT of waste and even if we didn’t we could breed microscopic plants which produced lots of organic matter from sun+air+water (this is what plants usually do) and feed the result to the methane producing bugs. Job done!

      What do you think?
