• Question: What do you spend your free time doing?

    Asked by bmcgennity926 to Chris, Emily, Martin, Natalie, Tamsin on 24 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Chris Cooper

      Chris Cooper answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      I think I answered this one somwhere.

      Playing with my 10 year old son. Driving my teenage daughter to her social and acting events and watching (too much) TV.

    • Photo: Natalie Stanford

      Natalie Stanford answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      I think this has been answered a few times. But just the usual things: seeing friends and family, going to the movies, or the pub, I also like doing sport – I go running, swimming, climbing and I also do yoga!

    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      I play a lot of music of all sorts, I did a Ceilidh this weekend with my brother and some friends, and take part in sport called “Ultimate”

      If you are allowed YouTube and have never seen Ultimate played then go here (make sure you have headphones because the music is good too):
