• Question: do u think that we ever going to uses 100% of are brain

    Asked by hammy to Martin on 16 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      The answer here does depend on some tricky arguments but I think we do use all of our brain, or nearly all of it anyway..

      It is true that people can go learning new things for a long time and it never seems to get full. But brains are very good at forgetting unimportant details to make room for more important new stuff.

      So we get better at using our brain with experience so we can do more with the same brain power. So your question could be “is there any limit to how well (or efficiently) we can use the brain that we have got?”

      The answer is that we don’t know – and doing experiments to try and test this would not be allowed (it would be unethical) because you could damage a persons brain by trying to cram it full of stuff.
