• Question: How do you work when its so boooring

    Asked by 06ad00 to Chris, Emily, Martin, Natalie, Tamsin on 15 Mar 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      If I found it boring I would do something else!

      I can see why it might LOOK boring from the outside. Trust me. Lots of things look exciting from the outside and are actually REALLY DULL. Science gets more exciting the closer you get to it!

    • Photo: Chris Cooper

      Chris Cooper answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      Some parts of my work are boring and some are interesting! What do you find boring?

    • Photo: Tamsin Gray

      Tamsin Gray answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      Sometimes it is boring, but so is pretty much every job (just like school). I like my job because I get to do really fun stuff like driving snow mobiles, flying planes and traveling the world on big ships. When I’m doing something really dull I just look across at the big snowy mountains and think about how it’s worth it so I can go go snowboarding down them at the end of the day.

      The other good thing about working as a scientist compared to science at school is that you can choose to study the exciting bits of science and leave out the boring bits!

    • Photo: Emily Cook

      Emily Cook answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      what do you mean boring? I find my work designing x-ray scanner mush more interesting than loads of things.

      Things that are booooring:
      waiting for a bus, working in a shop, answering the phone in an office saying the same thing over and over again, staring at a computer screen all day, doing the same thing all the time.

      In my job I get to build stuff in the lab, make measurements, write papers, help other researchers and students, teach people doing degrees and travel all over the world to conferences (my last one was in florida- in the lunch breaks I got to talk science while sitting by the pool, not a bad job!)

    • Photo: Natalie Stanford

      Natalie Stanford answered on 15 Mar 2010:

      On the whole I don’t find anything I do boring. There is the odd little task now and again which I really wish I didn’t have to do, but when I look at the bigger picture of why I’m doing it I can see that it’s important and will lead on to more fun things if I do it. This keeps me motivated enough so I can get back onto the more interesting parts of the work.
