• Question: If you had a chance to change the world how would you change it?

    Asked by juliana to Chris, Emily, Martin, Natalie, Tamsin on 16 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Emily Cook

      Emily Cook answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      Generally? make people be nicer to each other. Not sure this is possible though.

      Scientifically? I’d like to do something to prevent the destruction of habitats. So many animals are being driven to extinction because of human greed and lazyness and it dosen’t seem very fair. How to do this is harder. More renewable power? nucler power? I’m not sure.

    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      Too many things – too many things need doing!

      I would probably start by putting a 1p tax on all canned fizzy drinks. The money raised would be used to bring clean water to all the millions of people in the world who have dirty, polluted, dangerous water and have nothing else to drink. It would be EASILY enough money.

      I can give you 20 more! LOL

    • Photo: Chris Cooper

      Chris Cooper answered on 16 Mar 2010:

      Try and equalise the resources to reduce poverty. This needs minds and politics to change, not just money.

    • Photo: Natalie Stanford

      Natalie Stanford answered on 17 Mar 2010:

      I think this is a question people think about all the time. We all have ideals of how things should be whether it is political or personal. I’d like to say I’d make everyone in the world happy, but in reality that would be nearly impossible to do. I think on the whole we all have the power to change the world a little bit, we can do things for charity, we can make someone smile when they are feeling down, we can all do jobs that help people. So I think I’d just try and make things like that happen a little more often. IT would also be nice if we could get rid of disease and poverty.
