• Question: Martin, why are some people homosexual?

    Asked by gunsdontkillpeopleikillpeoplewithgunspow to Martin on 24 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      Obviously this is a very tricky question. Which I guess is why you asked it 😀

      The straight answer is that we don’t know. Lots of people will tell you they have a good idea why but in science as a whole there is no really good, convincing, argument.

      We have a pretty good general idea about what happens WHEN people are attracted to other people but no very good overall picture about WHY there are differences in what, or who we find attractive. You could just have easily asked “why are some people heterosexual” the scientific answer would be pretty much the same.

      The answer has to have something to do with brain chemistry because all sexuality is to do with brain chemistry. But that means almost nothing.

      You can be sure that very clever people and trying to figure this out all over the world because if we knew it would tell us an enormous about about the way brains develop and are maintained internally.

      Watch this space! Or better still get qualified and be the first to find out why!
