• Question: When you were at school were you good at maths and science?

    Asked by lani to Chris, Emily, Martin, Natalie, Tamsin on 20 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Natalie Stanford

      Natalie Stanford answered on 20 Mar 2010:

      I was quite good at both, but Maths and biology weren’t high on my ‘favourites’ list when I was at school. I quite enjoy them now.

    • Photo: Chris Cooper

      Chris Cooper answered on 20 Mar 2010:

      I was good at science (although throughout school and university I never got more than a B for Biology). At Maths I was good at algebra and calculus, but hopeless at 3-dimensional visualisation. So I was limited at geometry and got found out at A level. I therefore dropped “Further Maths” and took “English Literature” instead. I still suffer from an inability to see the three-dimensional world (I am hopeless at plumbing and decorating for this reason) which hampers a bit what I can study as a scientist.

    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 21 Mar 2010:

      I was OK at science – but not so good at maths.

      I have learned a LOT of maths since becoming a scientist. I need it everyday so it gets in to my head somehow 🙂

    • Photo: Emily Cook

      Emily Cook answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      I was really good at physics and pretty good at maths.
      I hated chemistry and spent most of my time talking to my friends and burning patterns into the bench with pipe-clay triangles that were used to heat things over bunsen burners. It was the only subject I ever got put in detention for (I refused to do my homework one week). Somehow I still managed to get an a* at GCSE and did better than I did in Biology but I gave it up as soon as I could.
      I do think my hatred was based more on the teacher than the subject though, and now when I have to learn bits of chemistry I quite enjoy it.
